SI love getting into a flow state during projects with detailed tasks that require creativity.” –

Interview with Gergő Horváth, Event Manager

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In this conversation, Gergő provides a thorough insight for those interested in the event management field. He shares his favorite moments at the company and offers exciting and thought-provoking tips about the profession.

When did you decide to choose this profession? What got you into it?

For me, it was not a childhood dream, but something that developed gradually. I first became interested in tourism towards the end of high school, and then during university, event management caught my attention due to my studies.
I decided to pursue this career during my internship at this company. I liked the workflow and how ConceptFlow operates, and I feel that this is a profession where I can utilize the qualities that I like to use. I didn’t immediately get captivated by event management; I gradually grew to love it and realized I could be good at it. It’s the creative side that I like the most: planning proposals and events, concepts, creating the image of events.

What were your first impressions of event management?

Before I started working here, I thought it was a profession that pretty much anyone could do. I think most people have a similar view, believing that everyone has organized family or friends’ gatherings or perhaps more complex vacations. I used to think the same, but I now know that not everyone is cut out for this job—it’s not easy at all.
My first impression was that it was much harder than I expected. You have to meet multiple expectations, unlike organizing a vacation for friends. You need to stick to the budget and understand people, thinking from the client’s perspective. You can’t work according to your own taste; it has to please the client, best case scenario you both like it. The main focus is the client, and you have to create concepts and programs based on this.
The other side of events, which is often a challenge, is the execution. We arrive at the venue in the morning and sometimes leave the next morning. You have to work quickly, efficiently, considering a large number of participants. You have to work with a completely different mindset for a group of ten friends and a group of five hundred people.
So, my first impression was that it’s much more difficult than I expected, but also more exciting.

What is your favourite part of a project?

My favorite tasks involve designing and executing graphics and decorations. I try to strengthen this skill through courses, so I’m always happy to utilize it. I love getting into a flow state during projects with detailed tasks that require creativity. Even if I don’t get the chance for such tasks, I am drawn to the more creative, brainstorming activities, imagining the concept and coming up with tasks.

What do you insist on during work?

Definitely to plan the process in as much detail as possible, knowing when and how everything will happen. I believe this kind of precision is the foundation of professionalism.
I also insist on working with the team on everything, sharing my thoughts from the brainstorming phase, and receiving feedback.
It’s important that communication with clients is pleasant for them, I make sure they feel honoured and appreciated, as we respect and value everyone we work with.

What do your project processes look like?

There are no fixed processes; everyone can proceed according to their own individual ideas, leaving room for creativity. There are deadlines and subtasks, but there are no strict rules on how to carry them out.
For each event or project, I start by creating a main Excel sheet, which is colorful and organized. It’s important to me that the tool I work with is aesthetically pleasing. I collect everything about the event in this sheet: theme, decorations, locations, all services, the status of my tasks, and deadlines. That’s how I start, with this planner.
Then I send out requests for quotes, process them, and forward them to the client. In case of a positive response, I start communicating with the venues and service providers, and begin procurement.
During this time, we have meetings and venue visits to finalize details. I like to use a shared drive folder for this purpose for a faster flow of information, which is usually appreciated by the clients.
I also take follow-up work seriously, often asking for feedback after the event concludes.

What is your favourite moment during events?

During the organizational phase, I love the moment when we get a project and I feel like I have endless possibilities, I can let my creativity run wild, without limitations.
My other favorite moment comes during the execution phase, just before the guests arrive, when I have a few free minutes. If I can, I sit for a moment to look around the venue and see what we have created. It fills me with pride, as does seeing the participants enjoying themselves.

What types of events do you like, and which ones are challenging for you?

I love corporate parties the most: Christmas, carnival, summer parties, year-end, and year-opening events. These have the best atmosphere. My second favourites are team-building events, which are always fun to attend.
Every event is challenging in some way, but if I had to choose, I find sports events the most challenging. Even though I run regularly, I find it harder to think with the mind of athletes, that’s where I find the most challenge.

What are your favorite moments at the company?

I love the spontaneous, funny moments in the office, when we laugh at something or have a good conversation. We often talk about more serious topics too: big issues in life, personal life. These are the moments I cherish the most.

Who inspires you? Who are your role models?

Ordinary people inspire me. I find qualities in everyone that I can respect and try to incorporate into my own life to become a better person.

Everyone inspires me on some level: all my co-workers, event attendees, clients, people on the street, my family, my friends. In this profession, Évi and Józsi are the best role models for me.

What advice can you give to young people who are looking for their dream career?

I’ve been working in event management since 2020, so there are obviously people with much more experience in the field. I’d like to speak in plural, addressing myself as well.
I would say let’s be brave, because there are so many opportunities in the industry. I firmly believe that there will always be a place and need for young people’s innovative ideas. Let’s be creative, never hesitate to ask questions, and be prepared for challenges. This is a profession where we learn something new every day. Let’s be brave, dare to try new things, and speak our minds.